Pb7 is an expert in creating and leveraging research for unbiased content services that help your customers advance through the buying process. It begins by making potential customers aware about how solutions they haven’t even considered yet can
contribute to improvements in their business. It continues with informing the customer about your product, followed by the potential benefits from working with you. Then, finally the customer decides based on facts and trust. It doesn’t end there, because the customer will evaluate the product and collaboration based on how well the expectations are met, which will have a big impact on future buying behaviour and peer-to-peer advice.
Although it is really up to the technology vendor to help guide their prospects and customers through this buying process, Pb7 can support, and even co-create, your content calendar to make sure fact based content is provided at the right time to the right audience in the right format. Pb7 leverages a combination of social and traditional content and provides unbiased (co-)branded, or white label content. Pb7 also collaborates with other content providers to build a balanced content calendar. Key partner is IT publisher Fenceworks, with publications such as Datacenterworks, Infosecritymagazine, Cloudworks and Visions & Robotics.